I know, I am not a squid but that is how it is.

What I am though, is a dub monster.

"The round-headed, rasta-hatted Squiddly, more octopus than squid in appearance, lives in an aquatic park similar to SeaWorld known as Bubbleland. Diddly is an aspiring musician and makes many attempts to escape and attain musical stardom. He is constantly foiled by Bubbleland's administrator Chief Winchley. At the times he does escape he would go back to Bubbleland feeling the outside world too harsh fucked up. Also people are often be terrified as they mistakenly believe octopuses are hostile, but occasionally people would applaud Squiddly Diddly for his musical talents."
taken from wikipedia

the sqiddle rides again

you can reach me at
thetank (at) squiddlydiddly.co.uk